Unleashing the She-Beast Within

Unleashing the She-Beast Within

Are you ready to tap into your inner she-beast and unleash your full potential?

Join us for an electrifying FREE webinar with Dr. B and Cole Baker Bagwell, fearless advocate for women's empowerment.

In our continuing series of online event, Cole will share her inspiring journey of resilience, transformation, and self-discovery. Now, she's on a mission to help women break free from self-sabotage and step into their power with confidence and grace. From negative self-talk to limiting beliefs, self-sabotage can manifest in various forms and hold us back from realizing our true potential. ESPECIALLY as we hit the hormonal rollercoaster of peri/menopause.

But fear not! In this webinar, Cole and Dr. B will empower you with practical tools and insights to overcome self-sabotage and cultivate a mindset of self-love.

From powerful mindset shifts to actionable strategies for self-love and forgiveness, this webinar is packed with wisdom, inspiration, and practical guidance to help you unleash your inner she-beast and live your best life.

So, grab your favorite beverage, invite your girlfriends (heck, make it a watch party!), and get ready to ignite your inner fire and unleash the she-beast within.

Together, we'll embrace our power, reclaim our voice, and create a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

Don't miss out on this transformative sesh!

Register here!

“Every woman has a wealth of good inside of her. Discovering it comes down to wrestling the snakes that guard it.”

Cole Baker Bagwell

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SEX in Menopause: the good, bad and really really really good

SEX in Menopause: the good, bad and really really really good

"Unlocking the Passion: Embracing Intimacy Beyond Menopause"

Dive into an empowering discussion with intimacy coach Kim Holden and Dr. B as they shatter misconceptions and ignite excitement about intimacy after menopause.

Say goodbye to outdated beliefs and hello to a new era of sexual freedom!

Join us for a lively virtual sit-down where we'll explore how menopause isn't the end of the road—it's a gateway to a fulfilling, vibrant sex life.
Get ready for an evening of laughter, insights, and a few surprises as we embrace the joy and possibilities of intimacy at any age.

This event won’t be recorded: so join us in real time to benefit from these gals years of sexual health knowledge!

Register here.

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why we gain weight in menopause—and what to do about it!

why we gain weight in menopause—and what to do about it!

The apron. That rude menopausal fat pad that spreads across your hips like an inner tube. No matter how hard you try, how clean you eat and how much you crunch (kale, sit ups, take your pick)…it doesn’t. seem. to. budge.

Why does the menopausal woman gain FAT? It’s NOT all hopeless, sis.

Due to OVERWHELMING INTEREST FROM our friends in other states and countries, this month’s menopause Monday is back to being a virtual event, featuring menopausal weight loss tips (no, it’s not just to eat “air”), tricks to strengthen the core and the bones, and fun giveaways. Inbody scans (that measure things like fat and visceral fat) will be super discounted for those who live nearby the clinic. It’s all good and you’re in the company of some amazing sisters who are all on the same weight-loss journey!!!

This event is free-tell your fellow sisters and let’s banish the APRON back to the KITCHEN FOREVER!!!!

RSVP here!!

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Why your heart health is the same as your dad’s.

Why your heart health is the same as your dad’s.

You’ve just turned 50. You found out you’re in menopause (or close to it). And guess what? You now can have the same cardiac profile as your DAD.

That’s right, the man that taught you to throw a ball. You and he can have the same risk of heart attack, cholesterol, stroke, more!

Based on the findings from a 2018 study, hospitalizations for heart attacks are becoming more prevalent among those under the age of 55, particularly Black women.


Isn’t J.Lo 55???

Jennifer Aniston is 55!

What the HELL? Don't panic, love. Because it’s not all bad news.

In honor of Galentine’s Day: we are getting our menopausal hearts in order! How we can use our womanly powers to cheat cardiac risk and keep our hearts beating long and strong for decades to come!

This event is virtual and on Zoom. Sign up and register so you won’t miss it!

Sign up here.

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How disney destroyed our menopause.

How disney destroyed our menopause.

The Evil Queen wanting to cut out the beautiful young woman’s heart.
Moana’s grandma calling herself “the village crazy lady.”
Missing mother figures everywhere only to find heartless b***es in their place.

Why did Disney (and the rest of Hollywood) sink the menopausal woman out of her powerful possibilities into a “mean girl”?

We’ll go over how to get out of these pop culture conundrums and find your happily ever after with better options (and there are some out there!)

BTW, we are totally #teammouse! And we love rockin’ a tiara (who doesn’t, really!)… but enough is enough!

This event is virtual and on Zoom. Sign up and register so you won’t miss it!

Join us HERE.

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